NHAI Engineers Association®
संगच्छध्वम्- We Move Together
Home / Presindent Message

Sh. Anant Kumar,
B.Tech (Civil)

NHAI- Engineer Association

Dear Friends and Fellow Engineers,
I have immense pleasure to be the President of NHAI ENGINEERS ASSOCIATION and at the same time I feel more responsible as I have to discharge my duties in best possible way to serve the immensely talented officers who form backbone of NHAI.
As a founding member and President of NHAI Engineers Association, I would like to emphasize on “Sangachhdvam- We move together”. We, the NHAI ENGINEERS ASSOCIATION Family move together for Structured, Stable and Synchronized tomorrow. We move together to ensure connectivity not only between places but also amongst ourselves, the torchbearers of distance mitigation. The efforts we have put forth in establishing this Association, through unprecedented circumstances, has preserved the strong foundation of our community and allows us to enter this new phase with hope, optimism, and an excitement to find new ways to connect with one another, while carrying out our primary responsibility of supporting the development and maintenance of India’s Highway Infrastructure.
One of the most significant challenges that we faced as “ENGINEERS IN NHAI” during the past few years was connecting with each other. Be rest assured that through our continuous engagements, both physical and through social media, we would ensure that the members of the NHAI ENGINEERS ASSOCIATION are well supported and connected through thick and thin. So, if you are approaching your future endeavors with a question as to the strength of your connection with your fellow officers/ colleagues, please know that you are not alone and your NHAI ENGINEERS ASSOCIATION is already working hard to plan new ways to reinvigorate the connection of our community and to establish a renewed sense of belonging for all of us.
Every NHAI ENGINEERS ASSOCIATION member is requested to volunteer to lead our wonderful community events and activities. Through our collective efforts, we are planning to host events wherein the Association would facilitate young and experienced officers to share and disseminate knowledge, promote new technologies etc., though various seminars, webinars, workshops etc. The “NHAI Engineers Association”, also plans to provide financial assistance in case of untimely death/ permanent disability of any serving member of the association and to render help in rehabilitation of the family of officers in such unfortunate cases. It is humbly assured that the “NHAI Engineers Association” shall be primarily acting for professional and personal welfare of the members, however, in case of any grievance, would surely intervene to sort out any impasse involving its members.
The members of the “NHAI Engineers Association” are critical to the continued success of the Association. Through your support, we build a stronger and more vibrant Association that enhances the working experience of our members. We encourage you to reach out at our social media platforms, give continuous opinion on the queries raised by other members on our website and attend Annual General Meetings to stay informed and connected. The various sections of the “NHAI Engineers Association” website (NHAIEA.ORG) and its resource board also contain a wealth of information on day to day and planned association activities scheduled throughout the year. Looking forward to seeing you all in our AGMs, various digital meetings and to working with you in service to our Association.

Let’s Work together and grow together!!


Anant Lal

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